1. 想透過《讓部屬甘心跟著你》學習怎麼用「願景劇本」帶領一個團隊。
2. 想讀《叛逆者團隊》瞭解是什麼元素可以激發出團隊的創新能量。
3. 想從《憑什麼相信你?》學到更有說服力的說話方式,也學習如何看透別人的瞎扯。
4. 《高手賽局》是我很喜歡的作家萬維鋼的最新作品。
5. 很好奇《駭客思維》可以幫我的數位系統帶來什麼新的啟發。
6. 在劉軒的 Podcast 聽到對《致富強心臟》這本書作者吳紹綱的訪談,讓我整個印象深刻,等不及想讀這本書。
#下一本讀什麼 #週末終於放晴啦
什麼是「賽局理論」?對萬維鋼來說,認識賽局理論(Game Theory)的最好方法正是從「遊戲」(Game)開始!拿出參與者的精神,你才能意識到別人設下的框限;而你要做的,就是在規則內採取對自己最有利的行動。「精英日課」重磅講者、暢銷作家萬維鋼,教你以高手眼光解讀賽局,成為掌握決策的贏家
#致富強心臟:最強的牌桌心理鍛鍊,掙脫「我無法/ 我應該/我沒錢」人生困局
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看更多閱讀心得和筆記 https://readingoutpost.com/
同時也有80部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Shiney,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Watch Dogs: Legion ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/watch-dogs-legion Watch Dogs: Legion is an action-adventure game played from...
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- 關於hacking game 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於hacking game 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於hacking game 在 10 Hackers Who STOLE From Video Game Companies 的評價
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hacking game 在 無神論者的巴別塔 Facebook 的精選貼文
其實本身無打算咁早買隻Game玩,因為網上評價實在唔係太好:PS4/XBOX One嘅畫面極度劣化,啲Bug多到令人髮指嘅地步(但無諗過後尾竟然變成咗防沈迷機制),自己部電腦又未Upgrade,所以其實我係建議未買Game嘅大家,有得揀都都等出年年頭PS5、XBox S Version,同埋網上反映Bug方面有明顯改善先至好買番黎玩,唔係遊玩樂趣至少打咗個七折。
首先要講,我個人對於家用機畫面劣化呢樣嘢就經已習慣哂,當年Bioware嘅《Dragon Age》經已係Console版同電腦版一個天一個地,同埋咁啱今次隻Game用Cyberpunk做主題,D畫面崩崩地似80年代Game咁反而啱啱地Feel,隻Game Bug到奇洛里維斯啱啱出場果陣個畫面花撚哂我都仲以為係隻Game嘅效果(我知啦這是自欺欺人)。
另外《Cyberpunk2077》亦唔係咩驚天動地嘅新遊戲,基本上每一個部份你都會見倒其他遊戲嘅影子:例如任務系統就係我地見慣見熟嘅Sandbox Mode,由《GTA》、《Red Dead Redemption》去到《Assasin Creed》,經已成為美式RPG嘅ISO;Hacking System基本上就係《Sleep Dog》加《Mass Effect》嘅混合簡化版;而第一身射擊果住打擊感、荒誕人物同故事設定、再加埋用一大堆霓虹燈充斥住嘅Cyberpunk,就係《Botherland》再加少少《Fallout》調味嘅風格。
見倒有人話要識欣賞《Cyberpunk2077》,大前提係要你肯投入故事之中──我覺得呢句根本係廢話,有邊隻RPG唔係你要投入故事之中先享受得倒全部樂趣?撇除畫面同Bug問題,《Cyberpunk2077》我覺得做得最好嘅地方係遊戲節奏:首先PS 4嘅Save &Loading比我想像中快好多(可能就係畫面劣化嘅回饋),至少唔會比起我玩《FF15》、《刺客信條》時等到我極不耐煩;
當然,相比起RDR嘅西部、GTA嘅繁華罪惡城、Fallout嘅核災末世,我對於Cyberpunk仲有一種特殊感情:因為無論係《Blade Runner》定係《攻殼機動隊》呢啲Cyberpunk嘅經典作品,佢地嘅原型都係響香港。科幻小說所謂嘅Cyberpunk其中一個定義,就係「響科技日益發展嘅同事,社會卻並未有因此同時進步,只有極少數人享受到科技帶黎嘅美好生活,而絕大多數人卻仍然身處朝不保夕嘅痛苦生活之中,甚至比起科技未發展之前更差──
總括黎講,就算玩法略有重覆,但經過三四十個鐘頭嘅遊玩體驗過後我仍然唔會覺悶;而且從佢技能樹會發覺玩法係有好多變化,可能好似《Mass Effect》咁砌一個新角色出黎就會有完全另一種體驗,然後最正嘅當然係去第二部奇洛李維斯出場一刻,劇情去到新一波嘅高潮,始終故事先係遊戲嘅靈魂所在,唯一遺憾嘅係佢比較遲出,今時今日對一隻Game黎講要成十幾個鐘先入倒戲玉真係算比較慢熱一啲……
Anyway對於未玩隻Game嘅朋友嘅忠告係,真係比啲耐性,等到明年年頭DLC同重大Bug Fix出咗先好開黎玩,因為隻Game嚴格黎講只係處於beta test階段,咁多拎出黎賣其實係有啲無品──所以我明白點解佢個Multi-Play mode要遲啲出,因為連隻正Game都未搞掂。但對於不幸開咗隻Game嘅我黎講,又唔會話好後悔嘅,可能PS4先爆一次,之後預咗Upgrade完電腦再爆一次咁囉!
hacking game 在 GamingDose Facebook 的最佳解答
หนึ่งในสิ่งที่ผู้เล่นคาดหวังว่าจะทำได้ในเกม Cyberpunk 2077 ท่ามกลางโลกอันเปิดกว้างนี้ก็คือการ "ขโมยรถ"ด้วยบรรดายานพาหนะหลากชนิดที่รอให้เราไปขับขี่ และแน่นอนว่าในเกมนี้เราจะสามารถขโมยรถได้อย่างแน่นอน แต่ก็ไม่ได้หมายความว่าเราจะสามารถเดินดุ่มไปสอยได้เลย เราต้องเรียนรู้ทักษะที่จำเป็นเสียก่อนจึงจะสามารถขโมยได้
ข้อมูลจาก Trailer Cyberpunk 2077- Ride of The Dark Future ที่ได้มีการแนะนำบรรดายานพาหนะหลายชนิดที่อยู่ในเกม ซึ่งมีการอธิบายอย่างชัดเจนว่ายานพาหนะทุกชนิดในเกมนี้ไม่สามารถขโมยได้เลย ผู้เล่นจำเป็นต้องเรียนรู้ทักษะที่จำเป็นเสียก่อนจึงจะสามารถเข้าไปขโมยได้ ซึ่งผู้เล่นก็สามารถเลือกได้อีกว่าจะขโมยรถด้วยวิธีการแบบไหน เช่นใช้ทักษะ Hacking หรือ Technical ที่ยังไม่มีติดตัวมาตั้งแต่แรก
และที่สำคัญคือผู้เล่นไม่สามารถนำรถที่ขโมยมาไปจอดในโรงรถของตนเองได้ ต้องซื้อเอาอย่างเดียว แต่รถที่ขโมยมาคาดว่าจะถูกเก็บไว้เป็นสถิติว่าเราเคยขับรถรุ่นไหนไว้แล้วบ้างนั่นเอง
Cyberpunk 2077 วางจำหน่ายในวันที่ 19 พฤศจิกายนนี้ บนระบบ PS4, Xbox One, PC, Google Stadia และบน PS5 กับ Xbox SX ในอนาคต
ที่มา: https://www.dualshockers.com/cyberpunk-2077-allows-you-to-…/
#ข่าวเกม #gamingdose #Cyberpunk2077
One of the things that players expect to do in the Cyberpunk 2077 game among the wide open world is to ′′ steal a car ′′ with all the many vehicles waiting for us to ride, and of course in this game we can. Definitely stealing a car, but it doesn't mean that we can go there. We have to learn the necessary skills before we can steal.
Information from Trailer Cyberpunk 2077-Ride of The Dark Future which has been introduced to various vehicles in the game which are clearly explained that all kinds of vehicles in this game cannot be stolen. Players need to learn the necessary skills. So you can steal it. Players can choose how to steal a car, such as using Hacking or Technical skills that you didn't have it in the first place.
And the most important thing is that players can't take a stolen car to park in their own garage. Only buy, but a stolen car is expected to be kept as a record of which model we drove.
Cyberpunk 2077 is available on 19 November on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Google Stadia and on PS5 with Xbox Xbox in the future.
Source: https://www.dualshockers.com/cyberpunk-2077-allows-you-to-steal-vehicles-in-various-ways-with-character-upgrades/
#ข่าวเกม #gamingdose #Cyberpunk2077Translated
hacking game 在 Shiney Youtube 的精選貼文
Watch Dogs: Legion
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/watch-dogs-legion
Watch Dogs: Legion is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective, and takes place within an open world setting based upon London, which can be explored either on foot - utilizing parkour moves - vehicles, or fast-travelling via the city's Underground stations. The game is composed of several missions, including those that progress the main story, liberation missions aimed at freeing the city's boroughs featured in the setting, recruitment missions for new playable characters, and various side-activities, with players able to freely pursue a mission or activity, or explore the city for secrets and collectibles. Each mission's objectives can be handled via one or several different approaches: an open-combat approach utilizing a variety of weapons; a stealth approach utilizing the environment to avoid detection and monitoring enemy patterns; or a hacking approach using any hackable object to subdue enemies with traps or distractions, while seeking out objectives via cameras and remotely accessing them. Combat includes a mixture of gun fights - involving lethal and non-lethal fire-arms - and hand-to-hand combat moves, with enemies making use of different methods depending on how the player acts against them in combat (i.e. a guard hit with a punch will use melee attacks). Players can be pursued by enemies when escaping, including hostile drones, but can lose them by utilizing hack-able environmental objects (i.e. vents) and avoiding line of sight with pursuers.
Unlike previous games in the series, Legion features the ability to use multiple characters during a playthrough, each of whom can be recruited from around the game's setting. While the player must choose a character to begin with after the story's prologue chapter, others may be recruited upon completing the initial story missions of the game from anywhere around the game's setting, which can also include those working for hostile factions. Those recruited become operatives that the player can freely switch to at any time, as well as customize with different clothing options, with each recruit-able character maintaining their own lifestyle and occupation when not active (i.e. spending time drinking at a pub). Each character that can be recruited have different traits and skills, based upon their background - a spy operative has access to a silenced pistol and can summon a special spy vehicle to travel around with, armed with rockets; a hooligan operative can summon in friends to help in a fist-fight; a builder operative can make use of large drones for heavy-lifting and a nail-gun for combat; while an "adrenaline junkie" operative can deal more damage, but risk the possibility of being knocked out/dying at any random moments. Operatives can gain experience when used by the player, which allows them to gain additional skills and abilities to improve them, with the player able to provide additional upgrades for all character by spending "tech points" - a collectible scattered around the city, which can be spent on weapon and gadget upgrades.
All potential recruits have an additional statistic, which details whether they can be recruited when approached - their thoughts on DedSec. Some recruits may not join if either they favour those that oppose them (such as a hostile faction), if the player has a character in their roster whom they hate or if DedSec did something to harm another NPC they have good relations with. If a recruit can be brought in, players will be required to complete a mission from them related to a problem they need resolving. An example of such a mission would be helping someone determine why they are being constantly spied on more frequently of late working as a vigilante in shutting down a criminal operation they seek to disrupt. Any character that can be recruited, can be killed during a playthrough by criminal gangs or law enforcement, and thus be permanently removed from the player's roster of playable characters, provided the player has the permadeath option enabled; if not, the character is merely arrested, and can be simply rescued by another operative. If the player loses all their characters from death or arrest, the game ends.
The online component of the game would be introduced through a free post-launch update in December 2020. Players can also join a team of up to four players in cooperative gameplay, sharing progression between single-player and multiplayer modes. They can also access Tactical Ops, which are co-operative missions designed for 4 players, or simply explore London together. The asymmetrical multiplayer mode Invasion would also return. The game also features a competitive multiplayer mode named "Spiderbot Arena" in which players assumes control of a gadget named spiderbot and compete against each other in free for all matches.
hacking game 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳貼文
Watch Dogs: Legion
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/watch-dogs-legion
Watch Dogs: Legion is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective, and takes place within an open world setting based upon London, which can be explored either on foot - utilizing parkour moves - vehicles, or fast-travelling via the city's Underground stations. The game is composed of several missions, including those that progress the main story, liberation missions aimed at freeing the city's boroughs featured in the setting, recruitment missions for new playable characters, and various side-activities, with players able to freely pursue a mission or activity, or explore the city for secrets and collectibles. Each mission's objectives can be handled via one or several different approaches: an open-combat approach utilizing a variety of weapons; a stealth approach utilizing the environment to avoid detection and monitoring enemy patterns; or a hacking approach using any hackable object to subdue enemies with traps or distractions, while seeking out objectives via cameras and remotely accessing them. Combat includes a mixture of gun fights - involving lethal and non-lethal fire-arms - and hand-to-hand combat moves, with enemies making use of different methods depending on how the player acts against them in combat (i.e. a guard hit with a punch will use melee attacks). Players can be pursued by enemies when escaping, including hostile drones, but can lose them by utilizing hack-able environmental objects (i.e. vents) and avoiding line of sight with pursuers.
Unlike previous games in the series, Legion features the ability to use multiple characters during a playthrough, each of whom can be recruited from around the game's setting. While the player must choose a character to begin with after the story's prologue chapter, others may be recruited upon completing the initial story missions of the game from anywhere around the game's setting, which can also include those working for hostile factions. Those recruited become operatives that the player can freely switch to at any time, as well as customize with different clothing options, with each recruit-able character maintaining their own lifestyle and occupation when not active (i.e. spending time drinking at a pub). Each character that can be recruited have different traits and skills, based upon their background - a spy operative has access to a silenced pistol and can summon a special spy vehicle to travel around with, armed with rockets; a hooligan operative can summon in friends to help in a fist-fight; a builder operative can make use of large drones for heavy-lifting and a nail-gun for combat; while an "adrenaline junkie" operative can deal more damage, but risk the possibility of being knocked out/dying at any random moments. Operatives can gain experience when used by the player, which allows them to gain additional skills and abilities to improve them, with the player able to provide additional upgrades for all character by spending "tech points" - a collectible scattered around the city, which can be spent on weapon and gadget upgrades.
All potential recruits have an additional statistic, which details whether they can be recruited when approached - their thoughts on DedSec. Some recruits may not join if either they favour those that oppose them (such as a hostile faction), if the player has a character in their roster whom they hate or if DedSec did something to harm another NPC they have good relations with. If a recruit can be brought in, players will be required to complete a mission from them related to a problem they need resolving. An example of such a mission would be helping someone determine why they are being constantly spied on more frequently of late working as a vigilante in shutting down a criminal operation they seek to disrupt. Any character that can be recruited, can be killed during a playthrough by criminal gangs or law enforcement, and thus be permanently removed from the player's roster of playable characters, provided the player has the permadeath option enabled; if not, the character is merely arrested, and can be simply rescued by another operative. If the player loses all their characters from death or arrest, the game ends.
The online component of the game would be introduced through a free post-launch update in December 2020. Players can also join a team of up to four players in cooperative gameplay, sharing progression between single-player and multiplayer modes. They can also access Tactical Ops, which are co-operative missions designed for 4 players, or simply explore London together. The asymmetrical multiplayer mode Invasion would also return. The game also features a competitive multiplayer mode named "Spiderbot Arena" in which players assumes control of a gadget named spiderbot and compete against each other in free for all matches.
hacking game 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳解答
Watch Dogs: Legion
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/watch-dogs-legion
Watch Dogs: Legion is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective, and takes place within an open world setting based upon London, which can be explored either on foot - utilizing parkour moves - vehicles, or fast-travelling via the city's Underground stations. The game is composed of several missions, including those that progress the main story, liberation missions aimed at freeing the city's boroughs featured in the setting, recruitment missions for new playable characters, and various side-activities, with players able to freely pursue a mission or activity, or explore the city for secrets and collectibles. Each mission's objectives can be handled via one or several different approaches: an open-combat approach utilizing a variety of weapons; a stealth approach utilizing the environment to avoid detection and monitoring enemy patterns; or a hacking approach using any hackable object to subdue enemies with traps or distractions, while seeking out objectives via cameras and remotely accessing them. Combat includes a mixture of gun fights - involving lethal and non-lethal fire-arms - and hand-to-hand combat moves, with enemies making use of different methods depending on how the player acts against them in combat (i.e. a guard hit with a punch will use melee attacks). Players can be pursued by enemies when escaping, including hostile drones, but can lose them by utilizing hack-able environmental objects (i.e. vents) and avoiding line of sight with pursuers.
Unlike previous games in the series, Legion features the ability to use multiple characters during a playthrough, each of whom can be recruited from around the game's setting. While the player must choose a character to begin with after the story's prologue chapter, others may be recruited upon completing the initial story missions of the game from anywhere around the game's setting, which can also include those working for hostile factions. Those recruited become operatives that the player can freely switch to at any time, as well as customize with different clothing options, with each recruit-able character maintaining their own lifestyle and occupation when not active (i.e. spending time drinking at a pub). Each character that can be recruited have different traits and skills, based upon their background - a spy operative has access to a silenced pistol and can summon a special spy vehicle to travel around with, armed with rockets; a hooligan operative can summon in friends to help in a fist-fight; a builder operative can make use of large drones for heavy-lifting and a nail-gun for combat; while an "adrenaline junkie" operative can deal more damage, but risk the possibility of being knocked out/dying at any random moments. Operatives can gain experience when used by the player, which allows them to gain additional skills and abilities to improve them, with the player able to provide additional upgrades for all character by spending "tech points" - a collectible scattered around the city, which can be spent on weapon and gadget upgrades.
All potential recruits have an additional statistic, which details whether they can be recruited when approached - their thoughts on DedSec. Some recruits may not join if either they favour those that oppose them (such as a hostile faction), if the player has a character in their roster whom they hate or if DedSec did something to harm another NPC they have good relations with. If a recruit can be brought in, players will be required to complete a mission from them related to a problem they need resolving. An example of such a mission would be helping someone determine why they are being constantly spied on more frequently of late working as a vigilante in shutting down a criminal operation they seek to disrupt. Any character that can be recruited, can be killed during a playthrough by criminal gangs or law enforcement, and thus be permanently removed from the player's roster of playable characters, provided the player has the permadeath option enabled; if not, the character is merely arrested, and can be simply rescued by another operative. If the player loses all their characters from death or arrest, the game ends.
The online component of the game would be introduced through a free post-launch update in December 2020. Players can also join a team of up to four players in cooperative gameplay, sharing progression between single-player and multiplayer modes. They can also access Tactical Ops, which are co-operative missions designed for 4 players, or simply explore London together. The asymmetrical multiplayer mode Invasion would also return. The game also features a competitive multiplayer mode named "Spiderbot Arena" in which players assumes control of a gadget named spiderbot and compete against each other in free for all matches.
hacking game 在 10 Hackers Who STOLE From Video Game Companies 的推薦與評價
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